Monday, December 8, 2014

Final Project

For my final I kept my original puppet to use for my dialogue. I made around 4 or 5 different mouths for my puppet, then used key frames to properly cycle through the different gestures. The dialogue was from the intro to a cartoon named Gargoyles. The most challenging part was moving the head around and still keeping the mouths right.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Puppet Run Cycle

For my puppet run cycle I chose to animate Okami running. I took a picture of Okami and turned him into a puppet and fully rigged him in flash. After that I studied a wolf's running cycle and made 7 key frames from the different poses. After that I used simple tweens to smooth out the animation. From there I fixed any errors in the pieces of the puppet by putting them back into place with more key frames. Here is the final outcome.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Here is my final weight animation. I chose to animate a stick figure trying to pick up Thor's hammer. In the animation the stick figure walks in and spots the hammer. He then gets in a squat position, where I try to show him trying to dead lift the hammer up, from various angles.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


I chose to do a clip of Rodney Mullen skateboarding around. I imported the clip into Photoshop and used a wacom tablet to trace around the action.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Kinetic Typography Final

This is the final animation for my kinetic Typography. I chose to do the song Spaz Out by Army of the Pharos. I used only helvetica font type and played with each word individually. Mostly using opacities and position key frames. The hardest part was getting each word to show up on time. But eventually it all worked and I really like it. I only wish I had more time to finish the whole song.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Art Deco Final Animation

This is the final project for my art deco project. In the animation I have the old lady nodding her head for approval of the beheading of the guy laying down. Then the younger girl proceeds to cut off his head and pull it off. After that she is disgusted and throws the head down. For all of this to work I took the original image into photoshop and segmented all the moving body parts. I used content aware fill to redraw what was behind each limb. Then I imported my photoshop document into AE and added puppet pins to move the body parts around. After that I moved the timeline and slowly worked everything until it made sense. Then I added some dramatic orchestral music to give the animation more depth.

Storyboard Animatic

This is the storyboard animatic done in After Effects.

Art Deco Storyboard

I decided to do the painting "Judith" for my art deco project. This is the storyboard.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Bouncing Ball in AE

I started off by designing a pinball type layout for my ball to bounce through. Then I created my ball in Photoshop using the circle selection and creating a circular gradient. After I imported my ball into AE I dropped it into my created environment and started squashing and stretching it to make it look like it was hitting hard surfaces. In the end I have the ball falling down the bottom of the screen, much like in pinball. Hope you enjoy. 

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Bouncing Ball Project

For my bouncing ball assignment I chose to animate a tennis ball bouncing across a tennis court. I started by making my ball in a layer and then converting it to a symbol. After that I drew my motion path in another layer using the Pen tool. I converted that layer into a guide and dragged the ball layer underneath it. Then I applied a motion tween so that the ball would follow the motion path. Then I started adding key frames to the ball animation. Those key frames were the points where I squashed and stretched the ball depending on its point on the motion path. Then I added a ground for the ball to bounce on, and a background of a tennis court to fill in the negative space. I finished the animation by coloring the ball yellow and giving it the curved lines of a tennis ball.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014